Saturday, December 17, 2016

Tumbleweed Contessa's Poem "Crazy Love"

Love is both a momentary feeling and a long-term state of mind.
It is also that powerful moment when we meet another person and feel energized and are immediately aware of our heart pounding.

Crazy Love

In the frisson of passionate love making,
you startled me
suddenly jumping up
and yelling,
“Who’s shilly-shallying?”
and throwing my Tootsie Roll supply
into the fire.

“Not me,” I said,
“I’m Yipee-Ky-Yea Cow Patty.
Now, come here Ger-On-Imo
and help me make a
topic sentence.”

Don’t fill up on macaroni and carrot stew
after I’ve made all this crazy love.

by Mimi Wolske

(Crazy Love by Gil Bruvel)