Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Words Become Lessons I Will Learn

You love and loathe her/him simultaneously. So if s/he is such a snake or a wolf, or the ultimate deceiver, why are you still there? Walk away. They wont change because they are selfish. They want their cake and eat it too. It’s easy to always think of only herself/his self, which makes it easier to think less and less about you while you think more and more about him/her.

© Words Become Lessons I Will Learn
Mimi Wolske
All Rights Reserved

I read your text again today.
Your words kiss the boundaries of being,
Scream your soul’s conversation,
Say to me, “I am here”,
Even when you are not.

But, they are only words;
I have heard a surfeit of them,
As well as your breathy vows
And that staccato sotto voce
Declaring in my ear you are mine!

No words carry the same meaning.

You stumbled through my sentences
While someone else lay enjoying
The presence of your heart
And spoke to you in an
Unknown lover’s language.

But I find your words are
A wondrous and rare thing,
So I keep them in a small machine
To remind me they are as mechanical
As the small box that plays them back to me.

No words carry the same meaning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

You Are mu And That Is Equal to Zero

A few dimensions of “characterological coldness”:
aloof, apart, stand-offish, impersonal, disengaged, uninvolved, closed, shut-down, detached, distant, remote, haughty, self-absorbed; emotionally unavailable, unresponsive, indifferent, uninvested, unfeeling, unemotional, affectionless; unsmiling, cold-hearted--as in “cold fish” or (even worse) an “iceberg” or “ice queen”, lacking in empathy and compassion, angry, hostile, critical

13 Ridiculous Gifs From New Chanel Short Film "Once Upon A Time"

© You Are mu And That Is Equal to Zero

Did your inflated ego get bruised?
Your puffed up pride in yourself
Is as shallow as a loaf of yeasted bread.
Such a myopic, self-centered focus
Prevents you from seeing the bigger,
The accurate picture. Will you ever
Be able to stop focusing on your
Own needs to see there is something
Deeper, more meaningful? My dear,
You are not the purpose to existence.
Your ivory tower is brittle from
A lifetime of puerile resistance.
Take off your paradoxical socks;
Let your bare feet feel real grass.

Mimi Wolske
All Rights Reserved

13 Ridiculous Gifs From New Chanel Short Film "Once Upon A Time"