Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I’m Vulnerable When Disseminating in Eustachian-Colored Lingerie

© I’m Vulnerable When Disseminating in Eustachian-Colored Lingerie

In what vat are the grapes of wrath stored?
I’d like to know so I can dispose of it. I’m tired of seeing the results from its drunken state.
Unfortunately, prejudice of every kind, in every form, entails some to expose their intolerance and hatred and to burn the rest of us with wrath’s toxic waste.
Where is it written we must Darwinize these Satanistic characteristics as inborn truths and behaviors?
Can’t we all, all Americans, all humans, posit the peace and love genes?
Can’t we all spasm and belch and regurgitate the poison of hatred?
If not, then someone else please take my seat, ride proxy for me on this pendulum, take my place and run this last race in a world spinning like a tilt-a-whirl that’s about to tilt off its axis.
Set me free.

Mimi Wolske

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