Thursday, March 24, 2016

© Sonnet 21: Some Days Life’s As Stagnant As Pond Scum

So, what makes a poem a sonnet?

Generally, it is a poem containing fourteen lines of iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter is a line of verse with five metrical feet, each consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable; for example: “Two households, both alike in dignity”.

Traditionally, sonnets have been classified into groups based on the rhyme scheme. William Shakespeare wrote his sonnets to rhyme: abab cdcd efef gg.

Sonnets that follow this rhyming scheme are called Shakespearean sonnets.

I share with you my Shakespearean sonnet.

© Sonnet 21: Some Days Life’s As Stagnant As Pond Scum
Mimi Wolske
All Rights Reserved

There’s something that’s making me insecure;
Your thoughtless love’s undone by your hand.
I question if ever you think I'll endure.
Life’s stagnant and I’m sinking in sand;
You’re shallow and quiet, a most still pond.
I, therefore, must travel to you; you see?
If never we shall meet, how shall we bond?
Who’s able to prevent pond scum on me?
The problem is never that I doubt you;
I’ve almost all needed tools, except faith
You’ll ever own needed vows that ring true.
Be assured; I’m seduced not by your wraith.
And although there isn’t credence in words,

I believe we’ll abide life as two nerds.