Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mimi - Mona Poetry: Tell Her Adieu

©Tell Her Adieu

Her failings shattered, became exposed;
she couldn’t prevent what you disclosed.

You ignored her as you ignored your own
beating heart, spurred on by testosterone.
You had her trust not to starve her
of your self, not to openly ignore her
as one of the walking dead. Did you tell
everyone the two of you split? Well?
Is that your reason to lock her in your hell,
in some cyberfile away from prying eyes
to be opened only when you can circumcise
her from her love and enjoy her privately?

She is a lovely, kind, thoughtful, unmanned,
and intelligent woman, and I cannot stand
the way she is being hurt by you;
time for you to tell her adieu.

She was drunk and crying; she could not
be anything but honest; that’s not tommyrot.
The look in her eyes was like the look
of someone when they first awaken...shook
because the surroundings are unfamiliar;
where everything seems to be a blur.

You fell in love with her honest moments.
Now you love unmade beds with a reverence
as you immigrate from one liminal space
to the next, from one Jezebel to the next scapegrace.

Mimi Wolske

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